You know it's time. To feel deeper

Van ruzie naar verbinding

Dit ebook heeft alles wat je nodig hebt om ruzie in je relatie voorgoed te transformeren van een terugkerende, vermoeiende strijd in een liefdevolle gelegenheid tot groei, verdieping en intimiteit.

De inhoud komt uit de cursus Ik Ben Niet Boos, waarin je nog dieper gaat om jouw hele band met boosheid te transformeren.

Sjoerd Schotten

Embodiment mentor

Everything I offer, whether that's breathwork, SSP Embodiment Work, meditation, teaching or cooking, it all aims to increase the flow of energy so you feel more in your body. Because that's where everything starts. Right there, in your own body.

Long reads on embodiment, relationships, polarity, sexuality and other things that might get me banned on socials

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Work with me

The Integrated Lover

A 1 on 1 online coaching container for men.

Using embodiment practices from Tao and tantra, breathwork and meditation you will learn to feel deeper and strongly hold yourself in all that comes up. This will give you the power to feel your desires and create the life you want.

Leaning in

A 1 on 1 online coaching container for women.

Held by strong masculine presence, so you can learn to lean in to yourself, feeling more grounded and alive in your body.


Sexual Empowerment Training

An online self-paced embodiment course for men.

Take life by the balls, learn to feel everything and
Supercharge Every. Fucking. Day.

Ik Ben Niet Boos

In deze online cursus word je de baas over je boosheid, leer je luisteren naar je emoties en ontdek je de kracht van jouw ja en nee.

Schrijf je in voor de wachtlijst.


Long reads on sexuality, tantra and relationships (and special offers)

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